Aleem Lakhani, Executive Vice President, Specialty Risk Solutions Division at AMT Warranty Corporation and AmTrust North America
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Aleem Lakhani

Executive Vice President, Specialty Risk Solutions Division
AMT Warranty Corporation and AmTrust North America

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Consumer Returns Interactive Workgroup Day

Sunday, May 10th, 2015

08:55 PANEL: What Will The Internet Of Things Mean For Returns? The Dangers Of An Environment With No Agreed Upon Standard

The “Internet of Things” was first coined by British visionary Kevin Ashton, describing how internet connected devices would change our lives. Today households have brands like Nest and Hive connecting their heating systems to the internet and there is no doubt that ore and more connected technology will be coming to your home in the near future. But there is an elephant in the room and that is a lack of industry standards. How will all of these devices talk to one another? Many critics point out that the benefits of a smart home are outweighed by the inconvenience of having to open separate apps for every major device. Many players in the industry have built and protected their own ecosystem rather than signing up for industry-wide standards that would benefit consumers. Many are predicting a repeat of VHS vs. Betamax and HD-DVD vs Blu-ray. Join us for a captivating discussion around the Internet of Things and the lack of standardization, including the implications for your returns business.